Managing fixed batch size production processes

Across different industries there are many examples of fixed capacity batch size production for example:-

  • Mixing Vessels for food preparation
  • Aging Tanks for beverages
  • Kilns for making bricks
  • Non-continuous Ovens for bakeries
  • Furnaces for melting metals

These types of resource affect:-

  • Process time for a manufacturing order
  • Costing of resoMedia Libraryurces, fixed and variable overheads

The example below illustrates when using a fixed capacity resource, the total time and cost will be same regardless if the production order quantity is for 1000 KG or 750 KG. The resource time is based on a fixed time basis, therefore the resource is used for the full fixed time, even though the second cycle is only for 250 KG.


Production Quantity Resource Fixed Time Resource Cycle Capacity No.of Cycles Total Time
1000 KG Mixing Vessel 1 Hour 500 KG 2 2 Hours
750 KG Mixing Vessel 1 Hour 500 KG 2 2 Hours





Production Quantity Resource Hourly Rate Fixed Overhead Variable Overhead No. of Cycles Total Time Total Cost
1000 KG Mixing Vessel 10 2 2 2 2 Hours 28
750 KG Mixing Vessel 10 2 2 2 2 Hours 28



What's the business benefit of using batch properties?
Do you have seasonal based recipes?